Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa Bob!

Today is Noah's great-grandfather's 94th birthday! Happy birthday Grandpa Bob. We can't wait to celebrate with you in person in a few weeks.

This morning, I told Noah it was his Grandpa Bob's birthday, I left the room for a sec and when I returned, Noah proudly showed me the birthday cupcakes he had made... apple, raspberry, orange, and carrot according to him. Enjoy Grandpa!

Great-grandson HAON wishes you a happy 94th birthday Grandpa Bob (Noah wrote the BOB at the top and signed entirely on his own... it seems left right or right left has not entirely sunk in so HAON it is...).

And of course Noah wanted to wish his great-grandpa happy birthday in person and sing him some songs (we think the lyrics to the baby bumblebee song go something like: "Won't my mommy be so proud of me, I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, Won't my mommy be so proud of me, I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee" - the latter being a bit weird - leave the poor baby bumblebee alone but oh well).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

At the Pinnacle

A few weeks ago, we went with Matthias and Jeanne for a playdate at the top of the Pinnacle buildings. A friend took this picture which I absolutely love. Noah looks like he is flying! 

It turns out that the top of a building with gardens and a "cabane" (wooden house structure) is a perfect place for a playdate. There were protective bars all around the (huge) perimeter of the roof so the kids could run anywhere they wanted without bumping into a car or motorcycle or bike or getting lost!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Birthday GG and Grandpa!

Happy Birthday GG and Grandpa from Noah (and his parents and pets, Lhasa and Joanne, our fish who is miraculously still alive and therefore now has a name. A few weeks ago we asked Noah what he wanted to call the fish. "Joanne" he answered straight away - we have no idea where this name came from but he was very adamant about the fish's name!) Anyway....

To celebrate Noah made a little paper plate chicken - Lhasa was very intrigued (Joanne less so).

And of course, he wanted to wish his grandparents a happy birthday.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pool Time

Yesterday morning, the three of us headed down to the pool for the first time in a while. In the past, Noah usually asked to go to the kids pool but recently he has been asking to go play (and practice swimming) in the big pool. Here he is clowning around with maman...

"1, 2, 3 SAUTER" - "1, 2, 3, JUMP" he would loudly count down before jumping in... 

A cuddle and...

A kiss before jumping again.

I see him in the water at least once every week during his swim class so I had not really noticed the progress but Seth had not seen him in the water in a while and apparently he has made much progress.  He is more comfortable in the water. He is happy playing around in the water, getting water all over, dunking his head in, jumping in. He can jump into the water (without floaties) and kick a tiny bit till he reaches you. He can also jump (without floaties) onto the noodle and kick his way across the shorter side of the pool on his own.

Almost there...

After all this excitement and fun - some relaxing in the hot tub.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter and Happy Passover

On Thursday, we got together with some friends in our condo for an Easter egg hunt and a BBQ. Here Noah excitedly finding an egg.

The crew with their loot... after they had found all the eggs they could find, we put them all in a big basket...

 All the eggs were counted and accounted for - 

and after dinner the kids each got a few eggs to eat. Mmmmm 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Diaper Experiment Update

The goodbye diaper experiment seems to be working this time around. Out of the last 12 nights, he was completely dry 9 nights. Pretty exciting to be rid of diapers. We told him that if he was dry seven nights in a row he would have a goodbye diaper party with his friends... we are up to three nights in a row...

Well - two steps forward and one step back - we are currently in the step back phase... to be continued.