Thursday, November 3, 2011

Because I Want to do Pipi in the Big Toilet

This afternoon, when I picked Noah up from school, I asked him, as usual, how his day so far had gone and what he had done at school. Usually he responds with a few words like singing, dancing, swimming, drawing and/or names of friends.

Today, he explained to me that he cried a little bit at school ("j'ai pleure un petit peu") because he did not want to do pipi at school ("je voulais pas faire pipi a l'ecole"). At that point, I was a bit confused. He usually has no trouble peeing at school. I asked him why he cried and he explained that he wanted to do pipi with maman in the big toilet after ("je veux faire pipi avec maman dans le grand pot apres"). Ah ha... when I pick him up, I always bring him to the bathroom near his school for a last pipi before we head home. He gets to pee standing up in the squat style toilet which he really likes.

After he peed in the big toilet I returned to the school. The teachers confirmed his story and after I explained his rationale, the matter was quickly cleared up. So cool that he can formulate such a plan, stick to it without any accidents and then explain himself to get what he wants in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Biggggggg boy Noah. Et oui une sacrée suite dans les idées. Et good job de Val et Seth ;)
