Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Noah Swims!

Noah started swim classes young but because of his ear problems, he stopped classes for almost a year. When he started again, he had become scared to let go of the edge or the board. After much effort (and some tears), he overcame his fear and during his swim class on Friday (April 11 2014), Noah swam across the width of the pool and back.

He repeated the feat the next day.... (see video below):

And below, jumping in and swimming to the edge.

jump and swim

As an incentive and something to look forward to once he could swim, we had promised him a pool party when he was able to swim the width and back on his own. So, as promised, just after his swim, we sent out some last minute evites and rounded up some of his friends for a pool and pizza party on Sunday. He had a blast and already is so much more comfortable jumping and swimming than in the videos above.  It is so great to see him playing in the water happily without wings or boards or ear molds. Congrats Noah!

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