Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bye Bye Maya's Clothes

A while back, a friend of mine who had a girl and then a boy and I exchanged clothes from six months to 4 years... I got her girl clothes and gave her Noah's old clothes. It felt so final getting rid of all the boy clothes I had kept for all these years. Sad but at the same time very liberating.

Recently, a friend of mine had another daughter. She had lent me piles and piles of clothes for Maya and the other day, I returned the clothes that are now too small for Maya and gave my friend all the other clothes we had somehow acquired (I did not buy any clothes for her except a few pjs and a few pairs of shoes and she has more clothes than the rest of us combined). Again, I had this same feeling of sadness and finality but also liberation - bye bye to the old and hello to the new...

The bags of clothes

Bye bye Maya's clothes - baby girlie is growing up!

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