Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Twitter: Noah Month 12 Part 2 (July 1-July 15 2010)

July 4: I made it to Singapore! The flight was pretty good. I slept most of the way in maman's and dada's arms.

Here I am at the Changi airport amidst the tropical vegetation.
(Photo July 1 - Tweet July 4) 

July 6: I've been so busy, I forgot to note that on June 26, I clearly said mama for the first time and before that I said both "cat" and "chat"!

July 6: My parents told me that we might have a new apartment soon... I hear it even has a kiddie pool. I am so excited.

July 6: I had Kaya toast yesterday for the first time. Mmmmmm so good. I think I can definitely get used to the food here.

July 8: I had my first Durian today and .... loved it to my parents' surprise.

July 8: I used toothpaste for the first time today. It tasted pretty good and I got to swallow it all since it was special baby toothpaste.

I have become very good at raiding the fridge in our temporary apartment. Unfortunately there is not much to eat in there. Maybe tomorrow exciting things will show up.
(Photo July  3 - Tweet July 9)

Although I have been very busy visiting apartments and checking out cupboards and doors, I have taken some time to try the food here (which is very yummy)...
(Photo July 4 - Tweet July 9)

and doing some sightseeing. Here I am with the bay and the new boat casino in the background.
(Photo July 7 - Tweet July 9) 

[The Marina B. Sands area still under construction.]

And here I am with the Singapore Merlion in the background. 
I really like it because it's a fish-cat and fish and cat are two of my favorite signs.
(Photo July 7 - Tweet July 9)

July 9: Only a few more moments of being 11 months old. This 1st year has gone by so fast. I can't believe a year ago I was still in maman's tummy.

July 9: Today I learned two new signs: flower and banana. I also am getting better at singing my dadadadas.

July 10: Good morning world, day 365! I am one years old today!

I have changed quite a bit in the last year don't you think?
 (Photo July 13 2009 - Tweet July 10 2010)

July 10: To celebrate my birthday, I went to Sentosa island.

I got to play in the water with my new ball. 
(Photo and tweet July 10)

I then went to the underwater world aquarium where I fed some fish.
(Photo and tweet July 10) 

And walked through a see-through tunnel with fish swimming all around.
 It was pretty exciting. One fish, two fish. 

[With maman in the tunnel looking at the fish.]

After the aquarium, we had lunch and then I went to play on the beach. 

One of my birthday presents this year was a pail, a shovel and a rake to dig in the sand. 
I had so much fun, I did not want to leave the beach when it was time to go home.

Look what I found waiting for me on the grass when I got back from the island.

I went over to investigate. 

It's a piece of strawberry shortcake for my first birthday! 

At first, I tentatively tested the waters. 

[That did not last long.]

I then dug in with gusto.

I can't believe they let me do this... mmmmmm. 

Almost done... oh look there are a few crumbs I missed lying in the grass. 

All done!

No more food here. Time to go clean up.

After covering myself in cake, I took a refreshing shower in the fountain.

After a change of clothes, I was as good as new and ready for my next adventures.

July 10: For dinner I got to try some sushi for the first time... mmmm.

When I made it home, I got some more presents... some books by Eric Carle. 

July 10 2010: That's it for my birthday. Good night world!

July 13: I have come a long way in my first year. Here are some things I can do now.

I can get up and stand without support. In fact, I can even bend down and pick things up. 

I can walk on my own back and forth, back and forth. 
And I can run to my mama when I am excited... 

[I can do many signs (see more below)]

[Me walking around.]

[I am pretty stable no?]

but often, I still drop down on my knees and crawl.

I can do 20 signs: fish, cat, dog, hat, again/more, milk, flower, bath, banana, 
ball, water, eat, kiss, pen, car, bird, plane, diaper, up, and mama. 
Here I am asking for MORE of that good Indian food.

[At one, I can do many things (Tweets July 13):]

  • I can say and use in context five words: dada, cat, chat, mama, and dog. My parents think they heard me say lait but the jury is still out.
  • I also understand increasing amounts of spoken language and respond to simple requests such as va chercher le ballon or donne moi un bisou.
  • And I also understand a few additional signs: book, please, apple, enough/all done, mouse and baby.
  • I can now chew adult food pretty well with my seven teeth.
  • I can climb onto and off of a couch and I can climb up stairs on my own (down stairs is a little harder but I can do it slowly with help).
Here are some things I like doing at age one (Tweets July 13):
  •  I still like food but now I eat mostly adult food. Mmmmm Thai, Indian, Japanese and Chinese food.
  • I like playing peekaboo and hide-and-seek. I go hide behind the armchair and wait for mama to come get me and laugh and laugh when she does.
  • I love people. On the subway, I smile at people, perform my tricks, try to hold their hand and play with them. I love when they smile back.
  • What tricks? Miming, how big is Noah? Pointing at mam's nose. Playing peek-a-boo. Signing wildly.
  • When I do my dog sign, you go woof woof and when you go meow, I do my cat sign.
  • I also like telling jokes. I sign fish with a smile. There is no fish! I put a book on my head and sign hat. I point at mama and say dada.
  • I like playing imaginary food. You feed me and I feed you and I feed myself. Yum Yum.
  • I like pens, carrying them around and trying to scribble with them.
  • I like raiding the fridge. You never know what you can find in there.
  • I like opening and closing doors and figuring out how they work. All doors: fridge, cupboard and sliding doors and even toilet lids.
  • I like being in my parents' arms and being carried around.
  • But I also like roaming and romping freely discovering the world, making sure gravity works, testing Zeno's paradox (ie shredding paper).
  • I love hugs and kisses. I make my kiss sign and after getting a kiss I sign more kisses, more kisses. I love giving kisses too.
  • I like playing with my flashcards. You show me a card and I do the sign or I sign and you show me the right card
  • I like computers, cell phones and all electronics and I love playing with balls and balloons big and small.
There are a few things I dislike (Tweets July 13):
  • I don't like being put in my stroller and taken away from the action.
  • I don't like being picked up when I am having fun. I don't like not being picked up when I am signing up, up, up (and often whining).
  • I do not like napping in my bed.
  • I do not like it when people do not respond to me, to my smiles and tricks. How can they not smile when I am "so big"?
  • I don't like it when people are eating yummy food and don't give me any even if it's not my meal time. I hate it when the food is all gone.

July 13: Ok, so now you have a picture of what I am like these days... so come on over and play with me. I'll show you my tricks in person.

July 14 (photos and tweets): I will show you a few of my signs. 

Here I am making the more sign.

Here I am patting my knee making the dog sign. 

Hat, hat. See you pat your head to say hat (walking at the same time is optional).

Here I am stroking my cheek. Where is the cat? Do you see a cat?

It's bath time (or pool time)! 

I want that ball. Ball, ball, ball. One of my favorite signs these days.

Can I have some milk? Open fist... 

Close fist. 

How big is Noah? So big... 

I was getting very hot outside so we moved inside for some cooler air. 
How tall is Noah? This tall? 

That's a car. I know that one. 

I still find it hard to wrinkle my nose without blinking when I make my flower sign. 

And finally my fish sign - open mouth, 
then close mouth with a satisfying plop. 

Well, my first year was a pretty exciting adventure for me and my parents. 
Just in time to start my second year, I have moved into a new empty apartment in Singapore. 
Many more exciting adventures to follow, I am sure.

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