Saturday, June 12, 2010

Twitter: Noah month 11 (May 11 - June 12 2010)

May 23: I am now very interested in signing, especially food and milk though I have expanded my vocab to include car and bath.

May 23: I also am becoming much more sociable and try to kiss the babies I meet at the playground. Some like it, some don't.

May 23: I took my first wobbly steps, well two mini steps in a row. Is this the beginning of a new phase or just a fluke?

May 23: I also understand a few spoken words. When my parents say milk/lait I make my milk sign. When they say: say hello/dis bonjour I wave hello.

May 23: This week definitely seems to be an exciting week. Lots of new things going on.

May 26: I came home from the creche and everything had changed. My bed was gone, my parents' bed was gone. Even my favorite bookshelf was gone????

May 26: My parents told me that our furniture was on a great big adventure. It was traveling by truck and then by boat to a tropical paradise.

May 26:  Lucky me - I get to sleep in my aubergine colored pop-up travel cot with my trusty doudou and mam's T-shirt.

[Hanging out in my room before all my stuff disappeared (Photo May 19)]

[My Eastern wall: Japanese Emas]

[My Western wall: postcards with funky drawings/paintings.]

Me playing in my room before the big move. 

[My toy cabinets.]

[My bed - though I hear I will see it again in two months!]

[My mother's day gift to Maman - see how big my foot is?]

Luckily the movers did not take my favorite books. 
(Photo May 26 - Tweet May 29)

May 29: May 27th was a big day. I saw many friends and got to go to Dada's office again for some yummy barbecue (mmmmm grilled eggplant).

First, I got to play with Linus (almost 4mos). We had a great time together and I am going to miss him.
(Photo May 27 - Tweet May 29) 

Then I got double the fun with the twins - Zoe and Romeo.
(Photo May 27 - Tweet May 29) 

Feeding time... 

Yesterday was my last day at the creche. 
(Photo May 28 - Tweet May 29) 

[My food log from the creche... by now, I have tried so many good things - yum. 
But there is still so much more to try - I can't wait.]

Bye Bye Boironettes.

[My creche book and balloon and my last piece of art work]

May 29: My big adventure starts today. I am off to the US to see my grandparents, great-grandpa and aunts and uncles.

May 30: I made it to the US and was a good boy on the plane (except during pre-nap time - I hate naps). Hello grandma & grandpa and Marnie the dog.

Before the flight to DC I got to play for a while at the Geneva airport! 
(Photo May 29 - Tweet June 1)

What a great playspace they have!

[In DC I got to eat some yummy food. (May 31)]

Today I went out to the barn and got to meet my grandma's horse Phoebe! Wheeee!
(Photo May 31 - Tweet June 1) 

After a short chat with Phoebe we gave her a nice bath! 

While on a nice walk, we stopped at a park in DC 
for a little swinging with my Dad...
(Photo June 2 - Tweet June 4)

June 7: I survived my first time without my maman for more than a day but now my dada seems to be missing :(

Enjoying some quality crate time with Marnie.
(Photo June 2 - Tweet June 8)

Isn't life just grand?
(Photo June 4 - Tweet June 8) 

Riding on my aunt Suza's shoulders! What fun!
(Photo May 31 - Tweet June 8) 

My new favorite game: eating imaginary soup! Boy am I good at this!
(Photo June 3 - Tweet June 8)

Playing peek-a-boo with Dada and Elizabeth was lots of fun!
(Photo June 3 - Tweet June 8) 

Reading about body parts with my Great-Grandpa Bob!
(Photo June 7 - Tweet June 8) 

My first outdoor bath 
(Photo June 5 - Tweet June 8)

June 8: My fifth tooth came out on Sunday. Crunchy spicy Indian chaat here I come.

Enjoying my favorite food: Indian, with aunt suz and grandma.
(Photo June 6 - Tweet June 8) 

Showing Grandpa my new tooth. See it's up there!
(Photo June 6 - Tweet June 8) 

The fridge attack! I know this is where they hide the food from me!
(Photo June 6 - Tweet June 8)

Conversing with my new best friend: Marnie the dog.
(Photo June 6 - Tweet June 8) 

Helping Grandma unload the dishwasher.
(Photo June 6 - Tweet June 8) 

Me and my Grandma saying ciao ciao to my Great Aunt and Uncle and Cousins.
 I'm so glad I get to see them again on thursday!
(Photo June 7 - Tweet June 8)

My Great Grandpa teaching me: How big is Noah? Sooooo big...
(Photo June 7 - Tweet June 8)

Sharing some guacamole with my great grandpa and aunt suz
(Photo June 7 - Tweet June 9)

Yesterday I went to the zoo. While waiting for my friends 
to get there I got to read in the grass!
(Photo June 8 - Tweet June 9) 

I also fed maman some imaginary cheerios.
(Photo June 8 - Tweet June 9)

Here I am with my friends: Mark, Sara, Gabriel, 
and 2 week old Sofia who is hiding in the wrap.
(Photo June 8 - Tweet June 9) 

We went to the monkey house where I got to watch a baby monkey and its mom play peek-a-boo together!
(Photo June 8- Tweet June 10) 

Then the maman monkey came over so I could pet her!
(Photo June 8 - Tweet June 10) 

To top off a great day, I had dinner with Aurelia and aunt Suz.
(Photo June 8 - Tweet June 10)

June 10: I am 11 months old today. Time really flies when you are having fun! More info on life of Noah as an 11 month old.

June 11: I went to see my 1st movie at the theater: Babies. I spent the first part snacking, then I cooed at the babies and then I walked around.

June 11: In the morning I give mam hugs and kisses and act all adorable and then make my milk sign. Maybe if I am super cute she will feed me early.

A bit to eat and some practice walking with my friend Amy.
(Photo June 4 - Tweet June 13)

[So much fun!]

I got to play with Luke and Elizabeth again. Thanks, Elizabeth, 
for the delicious (imaginary) soup! (Photo June 9 - Tweet June 13) 

Checking out the perfume-making exhibit in Longwood Gardens with my Great-Aunt Renee.
(Photo June 10 - Tweet June 13)

Playing with water in the children's area of the park. I loved all the water everywhere!
(Photo June 10 - Tweet June 14)

What's that up there? Where's all that water coming from?

Playing with my cousins Glenn and Monica.
(Photo June 11 - Tweet June 14)

Enjoying a ride from my Great-Uncle Tom.
(Photo June 11 - Tweet June 14) 

The other day, I got to play with my friend Blake and Dad got to pretend he had twins.
(Photo June 12 - Tweet June 16)

Yum, yum, thanks for the asparagus, Blake!
(Photo June 12 - Tweet June 16)

June 16: By the way, I made it to New York a couple days ago, and have been having fun playing in central park and romping in the sprinklers.

My official 11 months portrait: riding Balto the dog in Central Park. Isn't this fun?
(Photo June 12 - Tweet June 16) 

Another official 11 months portrait - still riding Balto the dog in Central Park. Charge! 
(Photo June 12 - Tweet June 16) 

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