Saturday, January 18, 2014

Free the Rabbit

It seems like everyday Maya does something new often a small new thing... but they are adding up - a new sign (she now does big brother Noah) or a new combination of signs (more food, Noah walk, Lhasa/cat food, maman food (maman feeds me)) or a new understanding (yesterday I showed her pairs of memory cards ex elephant and cat or dog and horse and asked her to show me the elephant or the cat... and she got it right everything single time, or getting the ball when asked or not touching the garbage can when asked or pointing to the flower in the book when asked) or a new activity (signing walk and going to the shoe rack and to get her shoes or playing grimaces - I do a silly face then she does then I do or... freeing the rabbit). 

Maya has a doudou rabbit that she really loves and that helps her fall asleep (thank you Suza :)) but never leaves her bed. The other day, Maya decided it was time to free rabbit. She walked over to her crib and tugged and tugged and tugged on rabbit till she was able to pull rabbit through the bars. She then walked around the apartment happily holding on to rabbit (I did not get pictures of her pulling on rabbit but here she is walking around with rabbit).

Maya with free rabbit

Showing Eleonor that she has rabbit

Funny girlie

1 comment:

  1. Mais qu'est-ce qu'elle est chou. Ce sourire rayonnant sur chaque photo. Un vrai rayon de soleil. Bravo Maya pour tous ces tours de passe passe. Gros bisous
