Saturday, December 1, 2012

First Party Without us!

Noah was invited to a friend's birthday party this afternoon/evening without parents. I dropped him off around 17:00 and came back for him around 21:00. The first time our little guy is at a party on his own (and to top it off with parents he does not know well in a condo he had never yet been to). Apparently, they had a great time playing at the playground, eating some yummy food and watching a cartoon. Seth and I went to the movies... crazy crazy. Our little guy is growing up.

Noah and Lola sharing a slide. 

The kids playing on the slide...

Noah loved Benjamin's little car.

1 comment:

  1. Déjà l'heure des boums. Précoces les enfants à Singapour :)))
    Agréable pour les parents de pouvoir de faire une toile ;)
