Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Noah's 3rd Birthday: Celebration # 3 Part 2

After an hour or so of fun, the kids sat at the table. We distributed the dino eggs they had found and brought out the cupcakes... Noah with his birthday cupcakes (one had a "3" written on it, the other "Noah" and the third, a dino). 

1, 2, 3 .... BLOW

2 down...

One more to go.

All blown out! Time to eat.

Yum... (just to clarify - he only got one of the three cupcakes to eat - he chose the dino one).

Each child had a party hat. Below, Kathryn putting on a party hat. 

I was one party hat short however, so I made a special  "dino birthday boy crown" for the bday boy. It seemed to have a modicum amount of success.

The crown is being surreptitiously umm.... borrowed...

I'll give you a mentos for my crown!

Mmmm... mentos.

Jeanne eating her cupcake.

Matthias eating his cupcake.


Noah - should I eat my mentos or my cupcake or my fruit first?

What did my neighbor choose?

Mentos gone... that's worth a smile!

Audrey, Ana and Valerie.

The kids...

Luna being adorably mischievous.

and just plain adorable.


and Noah cracking up. I can't remember what was so funny.

Guess who was left at the table still eating at the end...

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