Sunday, September 23, 2012

Borneo: Day in Kuching

Next morning, we headed out to the city of Kuching for some Malaysian Laksa (a spicy soup with pasta and shrimp - we find it in Singapore everywhere but it was slightly different in Malaysia). Our driver took us to the place with "the best Laksa in Kuching" - of course, a little stall in the middle of nowhere. The Laksa was "very good" according to our budding food critic (and we had read about the place in our books/research). Below, Suza enjoying her Laksa.

After a nice hearty breakfast, we walked around the city...

from market...

to market...

to temple.

Noah practicing his pole skills on a street corner to the visible amusement of the vendor in the background. After lunch, and some more visiting came nap time. When we have the stroller, we can just put Noah in there and he will happily nap away or - we can stop on a bench or coffee shop and he will sleep there too. This time, we got a bit more creative with on-the-go naps - car trips back and... boat trips. 

Suza on the boat heading down the Sarawak river. 

From the boat, we saw many nice houses with well manicured gardens but every once in a while, there would be more shoddy buildings like the ones below.

Noah trying hard to call asleep. He scrunches his eyes shut...

Kids swimming in the not-so-clean water. They seemed to be having loads of fun though.

Noah fell asleep against Suza - it didt not look like a very comfy position to me but he contentedly napped away rocked by the boat with his face mushed up against Suza.

The Governor of Sarawak's residence - Astana.

The recent parliament building - supposed to be an old meets new and East meets West construction.

A few taller buildings are sprouting in this area.

After the boat trip/nap, we headed to the special 24 hours Saturday/Sunday market where you can buy almost anything. Above the meat section of the market.


Grilled fish.

Dried fish.

And even live cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits (and not pictured fish, plants...).

A piece of the market from above (from the third floor of a nearby mall).

Home sweet home. Noah and Daddy relaxing in our "living room" in our hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Magnifiques toutes ces couleurs, ces temples, cette architecture en volutes. Pas de commentaire sur la nap-position de Noah :DDDD
