Monday, April 9, 2012

Pool Time

Yesterday morning, the three of us headed down to the pool for the first time in a while. In the past, Noah usually asked to go to the kids pool but recently he has been asking to go play (and practice swimming) in the big pool. Here he is clowning around with maman...

"1, 2, 3 SAUTER" - "1, 2, 3, JUMP" he would loudly count down before jumping in... 

A cuddle and...

A kiss before jumping again.

I see him in the water at least once every week during his swim class so I had not really noticed the progress but Seth had not seen him in the water in a while and apparently he has made much progress.  He is more comfortable in the water. He is happy playing around in the water, getting water all over, dunking his head in, jumping in. He can jump into the water (without floaties) and kick a tiny bit till he reaches you. He can also jump (without floaties) onto the noodle and kick his way across the shorter side of the pool on his own.

Almost there...

After all this excitement and fun - some relaxing in the hot tub.


  1. Adorable pics of the 2 of you. And yes hourrayfor the swimming progress. I'm really impressed and you seem to have such a good time.

  2. Trop belles ces photos avec Maman, et bravo en effet pour l'apprentissage de la natation, tu es tel un poisson dans l'eau :)
