Friday, December 16, 2011

Potty Update

In our last potty-related post (because-i-want-to-do-pipi-in-big-toilet ), Noah refused to pee at school because he wanted to do pipi in the big toilet. This lasted for a few days. He then agreed to pee during school hours but only at the big toilet just outside of school, then in the school bathroom but only with his favorite teachers! Otherwise, he is and has been for quite a while now completely potty-trained when it comes to daytime peeing (including nap time).

We are still fighting the poop war though. He asks for his diaper every time he needs to poop. We try to get him to attempt to do the deed in his potty. At first he would refuse to even try, then he would sit on it but not really try and now he sometimes makes a sincere effort to try but so far to no avail - even though we bribed him with five immediate stars and thus a little present and even a piece of chocolate. So poop goes in the diaper for now. I would rather he poop regularly and in the diaper than not at all which is what happens when we don't give him the diaper during the critical period. If anybody has some advice on poop matters, please comment. To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I would allow him to poop in the diaper, but it has to be in the bathroom. Then it has to be next to the toilet. Then it needs to be sitting on the toilet. And finally, voila, sitting on the toilet sans diaper.

    (Is he scared of splashing?)
