Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Noah's 2nd Birthday: Celebration #3

Noah's good friend and loyal twitter follower Linus was on vacation on July 10th so he could not be there when Noah first celebrated his birthday. Last time Noah and Linus had seen each other, Noah was not even 11 months old and Linus was about 4 months old!

Now (well, in July), Linus is an adorable (and very tall) 17 month old.

On July 18th, Linus (and his maman and papa) invited Noah and their common friend Romy for lunch...

...and a surprise birthday cake. Noah was quite excited at this unexpected opportunity to celebrate his birthday and sing his then favorite song "Happy Birthday to Noah"!

Not to mention the opportunity to have some yummy chocolate cake.

After lunch, the kids played in the backyard with Linus's house. The trio had a grand time together (sometimes playing together and sometimes next to each other).

They also played with little red cars.

Until Noah and Romy tried to hug and kiss Linus. It was great seeing all three together playing. Hopefully we can have another reunion soon.

Linus's maman made a cute photo montage of them playing.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Noah. What a sweet post. That was great to have you all here and celebrate another little birthday for the big boy. Sure we'll have soon other occasions. Big hugs from us
