Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bienvenue Bebe Cousine!

Welcome to the world baby cousin/niece!

We are so excited to meet you and see your wonderful parents again. We wish you three an amazing adventure together.

For weeks, scratch that, months, Noah has been very excited about having a baby cousin, being a big boy cousin and going to see his little cousin. He kept asking to make drawings for her and buy baby clothes for her... so little cousin - I know you were just born but here is a collection of drawings/collages Noah has been preparing for you.

Noah insisted that the above "drawing" of an A and a B was for baby cousin...

Here Noah painting a painting for his cousin:

The finished painting:

Finally, Noah insisted on singing a little song for his bebe cousine so she could fall asleep easily:

Big big hugs from your Aunt and Uncle and big boy cousin Noah.