Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Twitter: Noah Month 12 Part 1 (June 13-June 30 2010)

June 16: I can walk. I am still tentative and spotty but I did three steps thrice yesterday and twice this morning. Is this a fluke? Updates to come.

Sunday June 13th: off to Zabars' to buy food for a picnic with my friends.
(Photo June 13 - Tweet June 22)

Greeting my friend Blake with a big kiss.
(Photo June 13 - Tweet June 22)

Reading with Blake and his parents Rob and Abigail.

Look at my cool new glasses. 

After a great picnic, I had dinner with Jarett and Emily. Mmmm cafe Lalo frozen yoghurt.
(Photo June 13 - Tweet June 22) 

I now stand well on my own and that is something worth smiling about.
(June 14 - Tweet June 22) 

I also got to have dinner with Itai and Alizah.
(Photo June 16 - Tweet June 22) 

Last weekend, I went up to Mass for my cousin Shayna's wedding. 
On the way, I stopped in New Haven to check out my parents' alma matter.
(Photo June 18 - Tweet June 24)

Hanging out on old campus. 

I even got to touch the lucky foot... 

And romp around the renovated Calhoun College. 
Apparently, there used to be a tree where I am standing

June 25: Upon arriving in Amherst, we met up with Kathy for some yummy Korean food and then off to bed.

On Saturday morning we had lunch at a farm with Kathy.
(Photo June 19 - Tweet June 28)

I tried to pet the baby goat but he was too fast for me. 

After petting the animals, I met up with my cousin Charley age 2 to cheer on the family kickball teams.
(Photo June 19 - Tweet June 28) 

June 28: I was so excited about the game that I got up on my own without any support. Maman and dada cheered so I clapped my hands "bravo, bravo".

June 28: After the game, we met up with my aunt Abby and my uncle Ron.

They all took me for my first dip in a pool. I loved splashing around and jumping into the water. 
(Photo June 19 - Tweet June 28)

That night, I went to Shayna and Mel's barbecue and had a 
blast crawling around in the grass and waving hello to everyone.

The next morning, after another quick dip in the pool and breakfast with my family, 
I went to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art with my Aunt and Uncle and a few cousins.
(Photo June 20 - Tweet June 28)

Here I am with my maman dressed up for my cousin Shayna's wedding.
(Photo June 20 - Tweet June 28)

I got to meet my great-aunt Sylvia. We were the oldest and the youngest members of the family.
(Photo June 20 - Tweet June 28)

During the ceremony, I got to play with my little friend Mayaan (already one)... 

And play on the turtle with my cousins while our parents watched over us.

After the ceremony and some yummy food, I rocked the dance floor with my mom and my cousins Alyssa and Charley. 

and with my dad. 

And finally, with my great-aunt Sylvia again. Don't we look cute together.
 I love her turquoise socks (and her sun glasses).

June 28: After a great weekend in Mass, I went back to NYC. I got to see my Uncle Charles and Aunt NiCole again and my grandparents.

June 28: Thanks for the great hospitality Charles and NiCole.

June 28: I then headed back to Switz on June 22nd for a last week in beautiful Nyon. The flight was uneventful: lots of sleeping and little fussing.

June 29: I am behind in my tweets but I return my wifi box tomorrow so this is ciao ciao and see you in Singapore!

Ooops... the day after the wedding, we took some family pics. Here I am with all my cousins.
(Photo June 21 - Tweet July 2) 

[Before leaving for Singapore, I had one week to see all my friends and say my goodbyes in Switzerland.  Here walking with Jackie. (Photo June 25)]

[I was pretty happy till it was time to say goodbye.]

Here I am reluctantly saying goodbye to Jackie.
(Photo June 25 - Tweet July 2)

Mom and I tried to give away the remaining furniture. Bye bye bookcase!
(Photo June 26 - Tweet July 2) 

I also got to say goodbye to my friends from the baby group. 
(Photo June 26 - Tweet July 2)

Bye bye Hugo!

Bye bye Adrian. 

[It was so much fun playing ball with you. "Ball, ball" I am asking.]

Goodbye Emma. 

Bye bye Caitlin! 

And here we all are - our one year old group portrait. 

Having my first taste of chocolate cake for my pre-birthday 
birthday celebration with my friends.

Here we are with our mothers... well switched up a bit. 

And with our fathers... 

June 26: I clearly said mama for the first time and before that I said both "cat" and "chat"!

Goodbye to the crawling me. Here I am standing alone for the first time on a scale. 10kg already.. and 76cm.
(Photo June 27 - Tweet July 2) 

Goodbye to Celine and little Romy.
(Photo June 27 - Tweet July 2) 

(Photo June 27 - Tweet July 2)

[Beautiful sunny Nyon - I will miss you.]

Goodbye to Tetiana - thanks again for everything :)
(Photo June 27 - Tweet July 2) 

[Bye Bye Saturday market - I will miss you too.]

[Bye bye little "stand" in front of our apartment.]

[Bye bye Rue de la Combe No 4 and old droguerie de la gare turned Orange store.]

[Bye bye Differentiels.]

[Good bye cute cafe I never tried.]

[Good bye friendly baker. I will miss your yummy croissants 
and pains au chocolat and brioches.]

[Bye bye Place du Marche.]

[Bye bye Place du Chateau and Auberge du Chateau.]

[Bye bye old car seat.]

[This was me in my car seat the first time I used it...
either I have grown or it has shrunk... A LOT! (photo July 16 2009)]

Goodbye Stella. 
(Photo June 29 - Tweet July 2)

Goodbye Marco (and Stella).

Goodbye Myriam (and Stella) [You were the best neighbors ever]. 

Stella giving me some water. I will miss my "big sister". 
(Photo June 29 - Tweet July 2)

A last lunch with Stella and her family before hopping on the plane. 
(Photo June 30 - Tweet July 2)

[One last hug.]

Goodbye enchanted Nyon and your beautiful castle, your lake and your mountains... 
[see you next year.]