Friday, April 16, 2010

Twitter: Noah month 9 (March 11-April 16 2010)

[My 9th month was a fun and very busy one with three trips...]

March 15: I have a third tooth that is just coming out and a fourth on the way. Pretty soon, I will be able to chew everything.

March 17: Another first: I have a double ear infection but it's not as bad as it sounds. In fact, my parents almost didn't notice something was wrong.

Last weekend, I took a short trip to Venice. It was a quick and easy flight.
(Photo March 12 - Tweet March 20)

[I drank my milk and played with Maman some.]

At the airport we waited for the boat bus. I was tired after all that flying. 
Maman was coughing and coughing.
(Photo March 12 - Tweet March 20)

A boat ride, what fun.
(Photo March 12 - Tweet March 20)

My first glimpse of Venice. Isn't it beautiful?
(Photo March 12 - Tweet March 20)

The next day, we went for a long walk. It turns out that strollers don't work 
so well in Venice so I traveled by ergo...
(Photo March 13 - Tweet March 20)

... and by foot. Look at my new shoes (my first pair, which I received for my 8 months birthday). 
They were sort of hard to walk in though. I prefer to go barefoot.
(Photo March 13 - Tweet March 20)

Getting used to my new shoes. Piazza San Marco was really busy that day.

We spent a while walking in the piazza San Marco. I loved the lion... roaarrrr.

And I also enjoyed being on maman's shoulders. Look, another lion.

After a while at the piazza, I was finally comfortable in my own shoes...

After all this invigorating walking - snack time.

The view from my snack place. Isn't Venice a beautiful place to stop for a bite?

After lunch with my cousins, we went wandering the streets again. 
And guess what we found?
 A playground. Here I am testing Italian swings.

As we walked back, the sun set over the grand canal.

The next day, we flew back home. For a while I sat on my own seat, but I could not get it adjusted right...
(Photo March 14 - Tweet March 20)

... so I just had to get up and explore. Here I am doing my rounds.

Yesterday, my parents took me to the Swiss Festival of Chocolate in Versoix. 
And I even got a little tiny taste of Favarger fondue!
(Photo March 20 - Tweet March 22)

March 21: I did my 1st real sit-up on sat. I was lying down and my mam was holding my feet and I sat up. Once, twice, three times and now I am sore.

This morning we had brunch with my friend Alycia. She showed me all her books..
(Photo and tweet March 22)

[I agree - that part is pretty cool!]

Julian also read to us from his favorite books.

[So much fun!]

After lunch, we went for a walk. Look at us swinging so high...

[I had forgotten my shoes that day but luckily Maman found some socks for me to wear]

Just found another photo from Venice... here I am with my cousins in their apartment near San Marco.
(Photo March 12 - Tweet March 24)

March 26: I love electric cables. I am always swimming towards them. Today, mam and dad said "no" and I turned to them and then swam away...

I love giving my maman kisses.
(Photo March 27 - Tweet March 28)

[You can't give enough kisses.]

March 31: Mmmmmm spicy horseradish - yummmy.

[Hanging out by the door... How do you like 
my new contraption? (Photo March 28)]

Yesterday, on my evening outing, the weather was nice, 
the sun was setting and the clothes were all hanging out to dry.
(Tweet April Fools' Day...)

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon with my friends Romy and Linus. We got along real well...
(Photo March 31 - Tweet April 1)

April 2: Nyon around Easter time is very pretty. Each fountain is assigned a team of schoolchildren-decorators. Here are some of our favorites.

Here I am perched on the fountain just outside our windows.
(Photo March 29 - Tweet April 2)

The next one along the fountain tour was across from the castle.

Here we are on the Place du Chateau where we met up with other children 
on a fountain treasure hunt (16 in total).

On the way down the hill towards the lake, we caught another one.

We passed by Tintin's restaurant (the Maitre Jacques)... and another decorated fountain.

We finally arrived at the lake and found a giant Easter basket fountain.

Back up the hill... a great big Easter egg fountain awaited us.

What else is Switzerland known for aside from chocolate and watches... trains! Choo-choo!

April 2: I am heading off to Basel for the weekend. See you all in a bit.

Here I am in Basel in front of the Rathaus. Little me, big Rat...
(Photo April 2 - Tweet April 5)

[I loved playing with the pebbles - under Maman's watchful eye of course.]

I really liked this fountain by Tinguely. Water spraying everywhere. How exciting!

At the hotel, I had my own little bed. Cuddling with my doudou I fell right asleep 
(but the night was a bit fitful. Teething sure is hard).

I took my first shower. I got to stand and stomp around in the water. Whoopee!
(Photo April 3 - Tweet April 5)

Here I am ready for breakfast. Where is the food?

Yum yum yogurt.

In Basel, we did a little bit of shopping and I got to ride in the shopping cart for the first time.

[I felt like such a big boy riding the cart.]

April 7: After shopping we went to the Beyeler foundation where I had a blast looking at 20th century artwork. I think my favorite was Matisse.

We then hopped over to Germany to visit the Vitra Design museum.

After seeing all the chairs, we went outside in the gray weather and walked 
around the Vitra campus searching for the Zaha Hadid building.

Learning to use chopsticks (my first time...).
(Photo - Tweet April 7)

 I also got to taste some Thai curry. More! More!

[And cuddle with Daddy]

Continuing my tour of swing sets around the world.
(Photo April 4 - Tweet April 7)

The next morning, we went to the Tinguely museum. 
Lots of weird mechanical sculptures, lots of clanking and flashing lights. What fun!
(Photo April 4 - Tweet April 7)

This chair is a bit different than the ones at the Vitra museum no?

This sculpture we got to climb high high up and walk amidst the turning gears.

[Daddy and I at the top.]

Rocking away to some weird art sounds.

After all the excitement at the museum, I took a nice nap soothed by the 
Tinguely fountain and Niki de Saint Phalle sculpture.

[Trying out one last swing before heading back to Nyon. (Photo April 4)]

[One of my (and Lhasa's) favorite toys these days...
(Photo April 5)]

April 8 (Tweet April 9): Tomorrow I am off to Barcelona. What an exciting week. [I am told that this trip I am taking with just Maman as Daddy had some work thing and could not come.]

April 9 (tweet April 15): After 2 hrs of delay (during which I played in the great airport playcenter) the plane finally took off.

[Taking a nap at the airport waiting for my flight to depart. (Photo April 9)]

When we arrived in Barcelona, we met Jarett and Emily at the Ritz. They had upgraded my room!

After checking in, we walked along the beach. I saw the sea for the 1st time 
and played in the sand with Jarett.
(Photo April 9 - Tweet April 15)

[After some play time, I went back to my stroller for a nap.]

[Jarett then carried me in the ergo for a bit.]

After a night enjoying club room amenities, I had breakfast in our room gazing 
at the sun rising over the sea.
(Photo April 10 - Tweet April 15)

For lunch, we went to the market for some tapas. The carrots were particularly good.
(Photo April 10 - Tweet April 15)

After lunch, Jarett and Em played mom and dad and gave me an ergo tour of the market. 
Mmmm chocolate.

That afternoon, we went to the parc Guell. Here we are in the wave.

I even got to pet the lizard. Though the spot was very crowded.

Goodbye parc Guell. I am off to new adventures.

I did not find any baby swings in Barcelona but Jarett took me on a big boy swing. What fun!

 I tried horseback riding like my friend Kate 
but the horse was not very responsive... I had a blast anyway.

[Exploring the bathroom after a nice bath.]

After a busy day we relaxed in our flowery and appled hotel. 
I got to sink my teeth in maman's apple. Yummy.

Next morning we went to the Sagrada Familia. I loved the colorful 
projection of the window panes onto the walls.
(Photo April 11 - Tweet April 15)

[The big people rested after the visit - I was still feeling pretty sprightly]

[With Jarett in front of the whale.]

Goodbye Barcelona.Goodbye Ritz.
(Photo April 11)

[Maman says I was a very good boy in Barcelona - I was accommodating and slept well in my stroller. I thought I did pretty well too. I made a great discovery - I found that if I pushed the panel under the TV, I could access piles and piles of cables and dust bunnies and dirt... pretty cool. Maman seemed less excited about my discovery, however.]

April 16: I am nine months old now. I weigh 9kg and am 71cm tall. My doc told me I was doing great and to keep up the good work.

To celebrate my nine months, we went out to play in the park.
(Photo  April 16 - Tweet April 17)

[I got to play Jack in the box... I was Jack and the box was... the box.]

Now that I am nine months old, I am going to go explore the world.

Ooops I think something collapsed on me.