Monday, August 10, 2009

Twitter: Noah Month 1 (July 10-August 10 2009)

[Given that it is hard to view the pictures and text we had posted to twitter during Noah's first two years, we have decided to upload them (as well as a few additional pictures and some commentary in brackets) to the blog. For Noah's first two years, we had used "I" when writing for him as he did not yet have his own voice. When we started the blog, we switched to "he" or "Noah. When transferring the twitter feed, I left the first person voice we had used originally. Enjoy!]

[July 5 2009: 36 weeks pregnant]

[July 8 - last picture of our family of two (taken at Jackie's)]

[July 10 2009: at the Clinique des Grangettes]

This was me, just a few hours after birth!

[cuddling with Daddy]

[and Maman]

Playing with my grandfather

[and Jackie - July 11]

My second bath (July 12)

[My first skype experience - never to young to get started!]

[Daddy performing his magic trick]

[Puts me to sleep every time]

[hanging out with Mamie]

July 13: I am sleeping a bit fitfully, eagerly awaiting my next meal. Luckily, food seems to be getting a bit more consistent. [Noah's First Official Tweet] 

July 13: My first big accomplishment: I submitted the paperwork and now I'm official!

July 13, 9:17am: I am hungry!

July 13, 9:39am: I am hungry and these clowns want to give me a bath. Man, life is tough.

July 13, 10:18am: Second breakfast! Finally! I am famished! It is nice being clean and brushed and presentable to the world. 

[Noah was a "petit loup" right from the beginning, eating ravenously and constantly.] 

Mmmmm.... naptime. 

Good morning! It's the fourth day of my life, and the sun is shining.

Look at me and my cute new kangaroo!

July 13: I just had my first official portrait. I'm going to be a star!

Look at all these visitors! Everyone wants to see me! And hold me!
Here I am with Marco, our upstairs neighbor.

[and Doro - Maman's friend from work]

[but I am happy to be back near the milk source]

[Maman's first time changing me - July 13]

It's a celebration: my first bottle of champagne! 
(And I didn't even get to taste any - sigh)

July 13: And now, after this busy afternoon, I'm just sleeping on Daddy's lap.

July 13: Dinner time! (Again)

July 13: Off to the nursery for bed. Don't worry, I'll be back for a midnight snack in a couple of hours.

July 14: Good morning, world (Day 5)

Wake up, wake up! Time for lunch! And then I get my 
"96 hours alive" exam... boy, oh, boy

July 14: I just had my first blood test, and took it like a man. No crying for me! (Sucking on maman's pinky was something of a help) 

Life is sweet! My favorite place to take a deep, deep sleep...
You couldn't wake me if you tried

July 14: Just had my ear exam. It turns out, I have a good tympanic membrane! And my heartbeat is ok too, they say.

July 14: I'm awake, I'm awake! And you know what that means: dinner time!

July 14: Sleeping... sleeping... deep asleep. I had a dream I was placed in a car seat for adjustments, but really I'm still in my crib at the clinic.

July 14: I'm awake! Time for a late night snack!

July 14: My mommy keeps sniffing my hair. I smell so good? Maybe I should patent some "Eau de Newborn" perfume? Seems to make the women go wild.

July 14: Dinner over, off to bed for a good four hour sleep. Goodnight world!

July 15: Good morning world! (Day 6)

July 15: Bath time!

July 15: I met with my doctor this morning. I did my walking reflex, and some others, and passed with flying colors.

July 15: I am cranky today. Cranky, cranky, cranky. Day 6 of life is hard! In all my pics, I just cry, cry, cry. (And flaky internet today too...)

July 15: My official portrait is up:

July 15: What an annoying psychologist. Happily sleeping, at last; then she starts shining lights and ringing bells, and finally undressing me. Waah!

Look at my bellybutton! Bye-bye umbilical cord! (July 15)

I have found a new warm place to sleep. And I get to cuddle with my Daddy at the same time!

Sleeping peacefully in the evening sun... Goodnight sun, 
goodnight moon, and goodnight everyone

July 16: Good morning world! (Day 7) Something tells me that today is going to be an exciting day!

[One last nap in my transparent rolly crib while Daddy checks his computer]

[One last meal]

[And I am off - Bye bye Room 5]

[Bye Bye changing room]

I'm free at last! Free at last! Homeward bound (they say)

Safely strapped in, I'm off to see the wider world. Look out world, here I come...

[Look how small I look in my big car seat.]

I made it home safe and sound. I like my new digs but things sure are different here.

Sleeping the afternoon away with my Daddy

[and my Maman]

[my parents keep track of everything I do....]

[Checking out my changing table and my wall hangings]

Good morning world! (Day 8)

July 17: My first night home was pretty good; I didn't even wake my parents too much. And I wasn't scared at all of the thunder storm

Here I am trying out my other sling at Differentials, my parents' favorite breakfast spot

My nurse dropped by the apartment today to check me out, and I'm gaining weight! (I'm told that's a good thing for babies)

I'm learning to such on a pacifier! Who knew that it was so hard to keep it 
in your mouth? Look, no hands!

If I just keep squirming, I bet I can make some progress here.
 Other side of the mat, here I come

Last night was very fitful. I wanted these clowns to hold me, 
and they just left me in my crib. Wah! Wha! Wha! (July 18)

[After a few nights of that cry routine, I finally trained my parents and got to sleep mostly on them for the next 5 weeks - so much nicer]

My first bath in my new home, in my own private bathtub!

[Daddy, is it me or is it cold here?]

My first party with my neighbors Stella and Marco (and family). Look at them coo over me!

July 19: Good morning world (Day 10)

My birth cert. arrived. Silly Swiss bureaucrats got my dad's place of birth wrong. 
Spot the error?

July 19: Just woke up from my nap on the couch with Maman, Daddy, and Lhasa. Good thing we have a super-sized couch.

Hanging out with Celine and Seb. Not sure why my hair looks red; 
maybe my parents should get a better camera? (July 19)

July 20: Good morning world (Day 11)!

July 20: I don't believe in sleeping alone at night. During the day, it's ok; at night, no, no, no no!

What is this creature? It's a cat! Still getting to know my new home...

July 20, 11:22pm: Night is here. I am shrieking uncontrollably. Night is here.

July 20: A landmark: I finished my first packet of nappies!

July 21, 1:58am: Still screaming.

July 21, 8:56am: I haven't made a peep since 3am. Of course, I haven't left maman's arms since 3am.

July 21: Good morning world (Day 12)!

It took a few days, but I think I have finally decided what 
I want to be when I grow up: a conductor!

Good morning world! (Day 13)

Vitamin D! Every day! Blurgh! It tastes yucky, yucky, yucky!

July 22: I almost slept through the night. That is, I only kept my mom up to 3am and then slept all the way until 5am! How good a baby am I!

July 22: And, I even gained 40g at my daily weigh in!

July 22: I feel full - I just broke my eating record - 27mn of uninterrupted suckling - now I am exhausted and going to take a nap on Daddy.

Let there be light! The dark shadow over our living room will forever be gone! 
I now sleep in the bright sun...

July 23: Good morning world! (Day 14)

July 23: My (corrected) birth certificate arrived... yay!

Where is my sheep? Give me my sheep! I need to count my sheep...

After counting my sheep...

July 24: Good morning world, day 15! It's my two-week birthday!

Sleeping on my Mamie's lap 

And now, sleeping on Tetiana's shoulder

Day 16--- my parents were tired and forgot to let me update my twitter feed yesterday! 

July 26: Yesterday, we had a nice walk to the Nyon castle. And we made chocolate chip cookies ... they smell yummy! But I didn't get to eat any... sigh

 July 26: Good morning world, day 17!

Here I am all bundled up for my walk to the castle, yesterday

Here I am cuddling with my "doudou". I just figured out how to play with him

Two milestones in one fell swoop: Today I weigh more than the day I was born!
 And I passed the 3kg mark! Oh and how do you like our homemade baby scale?

July 27: Good morning world, day 18! 

They just told me I received my first package! Now where do I find it? 
Behind this sheet of paper, perhaps?

July 28: Good morning world day 19 

My girlfriend Caitlin came over to sleep with me 
this afternoon... aren't we cute together? 

July 28, 8:15pm: I'm hungry, I'm hungry, feed me, feed me! I think I'm having my 3-week growth spurt a few days early.

July 29: Good morning world, day 20!

July 30: Good morning world, day 21! All I want to do today is eat, eat, eat...

July 30: Yesterday, I had another weigh-in! And now I am a nice almost-chubby 3.105kg baby! I'm still working on my triple chin though.

I spent the afternoon happily sleeping on my comfy blue pillow 
- ah the simple joys of newborn life

July 31: Good morning world! Today is my 3-week birthday! I hear my parents have something special planned. I wonder what it is. 

My first trip on a train! Where am I going? 

Geneva! Here I am celebrating my 3-weeks at Cottage Cafe with friends

August 1: Good morning world, day 23!

August 3: Good morning world! day 25! I am learning to track colorful balls with my eyes - have made good progress but keep falling asleep!

August 3: Last night, my Maman read me Le Dormeur du Val. I think I like Rimbaud.

August 4: I had my (un)official weighing today: 3.337kg! I'm getting so big. [Given that I spit up about half of everything I drink, it is no wonder that I am always famished!]

August 4: Cry me a river, I've got my first real tears!

August 5: Good morning world, day 28! Lots of excitement planned for today...

August 5: I just got back from my first trip to France! I'm on my way to being a big-time international jet-setter... Total country count:2!

Also I went to visit my friends in Geneva! Look at all the fun we're having... [ok - I am kicking my friend Hugo and Emma is crying but it was still quite a party!]

August 6: Good morning world, real day 28... (it seems my counting skills are not entirely up to par yet)

August 6: Current weight: 3.480kg! And that's official, as measured by the city of Nyon. Next stop, the big 4.0

August 6: I am so excited to meet my grandparents tomorrow.

Here I am peacefully sleeping, swaddled in my teddy bear flannel (August 7)

Good morning world, day 29! My grandparents are here!

[sleeping on my Grandpa]

[and on my GG aka Galloping Granny and Grandma G.]

Look at my beautiful baby-blue eyes! I wonder
what color they will be when I grow up?

August 8: Good morning world, day 30!

Dancing with my GG.

Bath time - these clowns are trying to clean me again but this time I am taking it like a man

I love dancing with my grandparents on their amazing terrace overlooking lake Geneva

Playing with my Maman

[A "little" snack before some more dancing and playing]

August 9: Good morning world, day 31!

August 9: My new unofficial weight: 3.645kg! And I am 55cm big

GG and I engrossed in conversation

[A cuddle with Daddy makes everything better]

August 10 2009: Good morning world - I am a month old today!

To celebrate, I went out to breakfast with my parents and grandparents

[And cuddled with Daddy..]

And, Suza. I am so excited to meet my aunt Suza - look at us together - aren't we adorable? [He and Suza already had a special bond.]

To celebrate my first month, here is a quiz to test your knowledge of my tweets: Noah First Month Quiz). No peeking at my twitter feed [or the blog] when answering the quiz!