Monday, May 5, 2014

Home Life (May 1-4)

Maya's favorite thing to carry around the apartment these days is....

My black purse - she has her own little one (that I do not use anymore) 
but that is just not good enough... (May 1 2014)

Maya the monkey... (May 1)

The first time they really played doctor together - 
Maya is taking Noah's temperature (May 1)

The kiddos (May 4)

Maya has taken to climbing the coffee tables if we 
don't stack them so that nothing sticks out

Quiet time tower - Noah does not sleep during the day anymore but on 
weekends and on days he gets back from school early - if there is time, 
he does a quiet time where he can read or build quietly in his room

Friday, May 2, 2014

Bye bye sleepsack... or not (May 1)

In early May, we thought Maya might be ready for real covers.

The big girl crib with its blankets

Maya had other ideas... she positioned herself so that she had almost no covers on her....

After a few days of this, we brought back the sleepsack... we will try again when we get back from our summer trip.