Thursday, December 10, 2009

Twitter: Noah Month 5 (photos November 11-December 10 2009)

On my way to France with my two bags, my cat and my two parents in tow
(Photo November 13 - tweet November 15)

November 13: I made it to Paris - the train was late but I was asleep so it did not bother me too much. I can't wait to see my mamie and pay though. 

November 14: I spent my 1st day in Paris walking in the 8th and meeting friends for lunch. I especially liked the parc Monceau where my mom played as a kid. 

With my mom on the train on my way to Fontainebleau - 
we met lots of kids and had a nice walk in the forest.
(Photo and tweet November 15)

Riding on my dad's shoulders - look how high I am! 
(Photo and tweet November 15)

I had my first piano lesson on Tuesday with our friend Jay.
Who knew playing Ives was so hard? Maybe I should stick to my Mozart K305.
(Photo November 17 - tweet November 22)

My Papy told me this great story about the time when a lamb and a kangaroo... 
(Photo November 21 - tweet November 22)

It's been a great week in Paris - the wine, the food, the company, everything. Tomorrow I am heading back home to Switzerland to recuperate before my next trip.
(Photo  and tweet November 22)

[Last day in Paris... (November 23)]

[Back in beautiful Switzerland. You can see the Mont Blanc 
from the castle on a clear day (November 25)]

My first solid food - yum yum. Give me some more of that rice cereal.
 I had to wait almost five months for this. 
(Photo and tweet November 27)

[More - more cereal - I will help you get it in my mouth! (November 27)]

Here I am lunching with Soizic, one of my loyal twitter followers. I can't wait to meet her little baby and follow him on twitter 
(Photo and tweet November 27)

[Trying out my hat (November 27)]

I am king of my world! (Photo and tweet November 28)

Yum yum food. My first bottle of formula, 
which I am happy to report I downed with glee.
(Photo adn tweet November 28)

[Do you want "more" Noah? Of course I do - why even ask??? Since I was born, the clowns did three hand gestures which I later learned were milk, more and up... (November 28)]

[Ah - finally more food (November 28)]

November 30: After a rocky night two days ago, I had my best night ever last night. I went to bed at 9pm, and slept through until 6:15am! Wow! 

I like playing with Penelope the cow - moooo (Photo November 29 - tweet December 1)

[I got her! (November 29)]

Really? You didn't think I could sit here on my own? 
(Photo November 30 - tweet December 1)

[Hanging out with Maman (November 30)]

Lying around my Dad's office
(Photo November 30 - tweet December 1)

December 1: Two good nights in a row. Can we make it three? The French say "jamais deux sans trois" - hope they are right!

December 2: I ate two hours ago and still have not spit up. My first spit-up free meal! and I had another good night last night. That's 3 in a row.

December 3: Guess where I went this morning? To the creche (day care) for adaptation! New toys to play with, and new babies to stare at (and drool on).

Heidy-ho, here-we-go... learning to walk.
How do you like my funky new contraption?
 (photo December 4 - tweet December 6)

[Hanging around... (December 4)]

It's my foot!!! I have a foot. I wonder if I can get it in my mouth?
(Photo December 1 - tweet December 6)

Last night, I went out to my first dinner party. 
Here I am on my way to my sleeping pod with mom and Tetiana.
(Photo December 5 - tweet December 6) 

(Maman transferring me to my car seat at the end of the party.
I made it back to my bed without even waking up (December 5)]

Wait - what are these? Carrots?! Hmmm... not bad.
(Photo and tweet December 6)

Sometimes you just gotta smile.
(Photo December 1 - tweet December 6)

Taking a late night (8pm) nap.
(Photo December 6 - tweet December 7)

December 10: I am five months old - imagine that. Time really flies when you are having fun.

December 10: My unofficial five months weight and height (though height is hard to measure because I like to wiggle): 7.8kg and 65.7cm. 

One of my official 5 months portrait pictures
(photo December 10 - tweet December 11)

Another 5 months portrait: I am ready for my next trip 
(Photo December 10 - tweet December 11)

And a close-up. Eyes are still blue.
(Photo December 10 - tweet December 11)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Twitter: Noah Month 4 (photos October 11-November 10 2009)

[Bath time in the big boy bath with Daddy (October 11)]

Playing in the park with Itai and Alizah (I spent a lot of time in the park last week.) 
(photo October 11 - tweet October 18)

[Our group - look at them fawn all over me (October 11)]

October 18: After an exciting week in New York, I am now down in Washington, DC. I am looking forward to a nice week with my grandparents!

Wait, one more New York pic: Nicole, my mom and I enjoyed our visit 
to the Guggenheim - I love Kandinsky 
(Photo October 12 - tweet October 19)

Yesterday I made some new friends: one furry and black, the other cute and cuddly. 
Hi, Calhoun and Dana...
(photo October 18 - tweet October 19)

and Dave 
(photo October 18 - tweet October 19)

Waiting in the DC subway for the train... 
(Photo October 19 - tweet October 21)

October 21: Looking forward to meeting my great-grandpa.

Is it dinner time yet? (Photo October 18 - tweet October 23)

Meeting my family in DC... Here I am conversing with my cousin Sarah
(Photo October 19 - tweet October 23)

Here I am meeting Alina and Elizabeth at Cosi near Dupont Circle 
(Photo October 19 - tweet October 23)

October 23: I can't wait to meet my Aunt Abby and my uncle Ron... all this great family to give me hugs and kisses.

Where did the night go? I slept 8.5 hours? Yesterday I slept through 
the night for the first time! (PS: How do you like my portable sleeping pod?)
(Photo October 24 - tweet October 25)

Four generations: my great-grandpa, my grandma, my dad and me! (Photo October 25 - tweet October 29)

Boy, was I tired the other day when I met Amy! 
(Photo October 20 - tweet October 29)

Here I am playing with my GG... she makes me laugh and laugh!
(Photo October 20 - Tweet October 29)

[Hanging out in my rocking chair (October 20)]

[A cuddle from GG (October 20)]

[Breakfast and conversation with Suza and Grandpa Bob 
(October 22)]

[Playing with my grandpa Bob (October 22)]

My great-grandpa just promised to teach me to play basketball! 
Did you know that he can make eleven shots out of every ten he takes?
(Photo October 25 - tweet October 29)

[Talking to Maman (October 25)]

Standing up is hard! It requires a lot of concentration...  
(Photo October 25 - tweet October 29)

It's my first Halloween, and I'm a Swiss cow! 
(Photo October 31 - tweet October 31)

[Moo moo - I am looking at you]

Moo! Moo! This cow likes squirming through his green fields

Liza and I... Isn't she elegant?

[Daddy and I - I am holding on tight.]

One day, a clown, a witch and a cow were sitting on a stoop... 

Off to trick-or-treat with my Aunt Liza... 

and how about those great pumpkins she carved?

Trick-or-treat! Give me something good to eat! Moo!

So exhausting! I need a nap after a long evening of trick-or-treating...

At the Man Ray exhibit in DC with Meredith and Bruce... Funky photos! 
(Photo October 29 - tweet November 2)

[Meeting baby Blake - he looks so tiny compared to me (November 1)]

November 2: My last day in the US! Tonight, I'm on my way back to Switzerland. I'm looking forward to seeing Lhasa and sleeping in my own bed again!

I had a great flight back to Switzerland, 
sleeping away the hours in my little "baby basket"
(Photo November 2 - tweet November 6)

Home again! I can sleep in my own bed again! 
Look who has adopted my "travel bed"
(Photo November 3 - tweet November 6)

Look at all the new clothes I was given in the US! Thanks!

Back in the US, I got to go to the National Gallery, where we looked at all these exciting colors (Photo October 26 - tweet November 6)

Why don't I get to try any of that good Indian food over there? 
Aunt Abby, Uncles Ron, give me some of that yummy food.
(Photo October 25 - tweet November 6)

I dub thee Sir Grandpa (Here is another photo from my party back in DC
 with my Dad, Grandpa, and Great-Grandpa. 
(Photo October 25 - tweet November 6)

[Another group pic with Marnie the dog going in for some pets]

[Me and my parents]

Look at us all sleeping at the mall...Five babies, five strollers, where am I?
(photo & tweet November 7)

[with our mothers (November 7)]

[Hanging with Hugo while my Maman talks to Laure, Hugo's maman]

I was explaining to Adrian the right way to put your hand in your mouth, 
but he seemed a little concerned with my technique.

November 8: I was hanging out on my tummy and I did not want to be on my tummy anymore so I just rolled on over - what is everyone so excited about?

Look at me! I am learning to stand (with a little help from my friend Tetiana) 
(Photo November 8 - tweet November 15)

November 9: I had it in my hands! I had a whole handful of yummy smelling spicy Indian eggplant tikka. But they took it away from me. So close - sigh.

November 9: Tomorrow, I will be 4 months old - I can't believe I have only been around 4 months - feels like years. I have more than double in weight.

How do you like my official four months portrait? I was all smiley and happy 
(Photo November 10 - tweet November 11)

[still smiling]

[more smiling]

[oh oh - spitting up!]

[hmmm - that was confusing]

November 13: Guess what: I weigh 7.16kg and am 65cm tall! The doctor says all is well, and I get to start solid foods soon.